As a winegrower, you will receive gifts from nature every year. One draws from the earth, the roots, the region. You receive the fruits of your own work. One follows the feeling of the heart when accompanying the development of the wine.
In my winemaking I seek to understand nature. My aim is to find a healthy balance between giving and receiving – through manual shaping, careful care and sustainable agriculture. These basic ideas are also reflected on the labels of my wines.


Respectfully. Holistic. In harmony.
Nature is the most important factor and teacher in agriculture. To neglect it or take it for granted is a big mistake. However, leaving familiar paths and taking new directions requires a lot of courage, trust, willingness to make sacrifices and faith in oneself.
When I first became aware of the way of life and working of biodynamic farming, I was fascinated from the very first moment. Over the years, increased observation, experience and trial and error in the vineyard led me to a deeper understanding of the soil and the vine.
Every year poses different challenges to the vine and the winemaker. Wines from hot and dry years appeal early because of their accessibility. Cooler years in turn bring advantages in the pleasant play of acidity. In this way, lively and expressive wines are created, which encourage true enjoyment and varied tasting.
The experience gained in this eternal change helps me to remain adaptable in my winemaking. In this way the decision matured in me to leave each vintage unadulterated and honestly in its own style. This is the only way to create wines with an authentic personality, which can fully develop their charm, taste and character.